As part of our ministry app package you also get a mobile website. But why would this matter? Well more and more people are going to the web for information. And more and more churches are using the web to disseminate information and stay connected with those whom they minister to. But what is even more important to note is that people are now beginning to use their mobile devices instead of desktop computers to browse the web and this trend is going to continue. That is why you need a mobile optimized website for quicker and easier browsing and to take advantage of all the features that mobile devices offer. Plus, many church websites have flash which mobile websites cannot use. So ask yourself, do you have a mobile website? Are you ready to minister in a mobile world? The answers to these questions may help you identify important next steps for your ministry.
10/16/2013 04:00:21 pm
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10/26/2013 07:44:25 pm
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