I have been reading through exodus lately. Different I know. I have been noticing how Moses prayed differently than we tend too. He prayed with power and confidence. I was also blown away by how it says that God changed His mind. I am not hear to start a theological discussion on whether or not we can change God's mind, but shouldn't we pray like we can. Why not start with Disciple now. Pray that God would do amazing things. Pray God would speak to your students through your leaders and your Disciple Now curriculum in such a way that they would experience life change. Pray with power.
So many of your students probably feel unloved at some point. Whether at home, school, church, or all three, there is a relational need that probably isn't eing met. In this weekend, let your students be loved. Make sure you, your leaders, and your host homes are living out love. Make sure your curriculum preaches that love to your students. I am blown away by the decisions I hear students making everyday that trace back to a lack of love. Start to turn t Don't let your disciple now weekend and all that gets accomplished end on Sunday. Work in some follow up opportunities for you to connect with kids and see how they are doing. find some ways to remind them about what they learned in the Disciple Now Curriculum and how they can continue to apply it. Maybe even throw in a follow up devotional. Whatever it ends up being for your ministry, make sure that Disciple now is just the beginning of great things for your ministry.
I think one of the best times of a disciple now weekend is when students get to share in their small group at the end of the weekend. They can try to help each other digest all they have learned and experienced from the disciple Now curriculum and Disciple Now Resources. Also, they can share their hurts, and many students have serious hurts and struggles. Make sure your leaders give their students an opportunity to share, and that they follow up an any major issues that are shared/. Sorry, it has been a couple of days. We have been preparing for and completing our Disciple Now. It was really an amazing weekend. God moved in such of an incredible way. The students were really engaged in the worship, the service project, and the Disciple Now Curriculum. It was great to see the decisions that were made and the community that was created. We used the Disciple Now curriculumm "All You Need Is Love" so be on the lookout soon for photos of how everything was used.
The best Disciple Now, with an amazing Disciple Now curriculum and all of the Disciple Now resources in the world, is pointless if noone knows about it. So get the word out. Announce it at all your youth events during the month leading up to Disicple Now. Get on a social networking site and form a group to build up excitement. Print off half sheet advertisements for your students to hand out at school. Whatever you have to do, let others know about this great event you have coming up.
You have seen Disciple Now takes a lot of work. Finding the Disciple Now Curriculum, putting together all the resources, finding leaders, etc. And no matter how much work you put in you will want to change things. As the weekend goes along, and right after it is done, take some notes. Remember what you did, what you liked, what you didn't liked. Get it down on paper while it is still fresh. This way when the even roles around next year you will be ready to improve on what is already a gerathing
Some of you have been doing Disciple Now so long that you forget others do not know everything to expect in a Disciple Now weekend. This can especially be true when it comes to host homes. If people are willing to open their homes to your students, then the least you can do is take a few moments to train them on what is coming their way. Hold a meeting where you provide some snacks, give them a heads up, maybe provide some supplies, and walk them through what the theme and the Disciple Now Curriculum is about so they know how to pray for the weekend. Respect their time and keep it short and sweet, but a little training may go a long way in retaining volunteers.
Today is for the youth pastor out there who is doing a Disciple Now this weekend and thinking, " The curriculum is being taught, the events are planned, I can sit back and relax." Wrong! You may be done putting the Disciple Now Curriculum out there, you may have all the Disciple Now Events, and Disciple Now resources put together. But you are not done yet. Get out there and do a home visit. Let your students see you. Build relationships with them. And sleep on Monday.
We've talked before about making sure that all sorts of kids from different backgrounds are welcome and included at your Disciple Now. But today I am talking about something different. I am talking about not letting money stand in the way of a kid being a part of Disciple Now. I know that their are expenses involved in Disciple Now. I also know that this will be harder for some churches than it is for others. But whatever your situation, make sure no kid gets turned away from Disicple Now because of money. Offer scholarships, give kids grace on the cost, lower your price, restructure your budget. Maybe ask your host homes to cover the food costs for you. Find a band that might play for free. Call a college and see what students they have that will volunteer to help. Go to your church. Do whater you have to, but make sure every kid can come be a part of studying your Disicple Now curriculum and enjoying all the other wonderful Disicple Now Resources you have for your Disicple Now.