D Now - Getting Adults Involved![]() If you want your D Now weekend to truly be all that it could be you are going to have to get adults involved. This does help out with the obvious fact that you cannot run this event alone. But it also helps out in some other intangible ways that I believe you will see are a necessity by the end of this article. First of all, your students need adult role models. Now I know that this should be your students' parents and ideally it would be. But we know in the world we live in quite often this is not the case. Families are broken, parents work and sometimes work two jobs. There are a lot of factors that contribute to the reasons that your students' parents might not be the role models they need to be. Because of this you have to find ways to fill in the gaps that exist. A great way is by taking advantage of your D Now weekend to help adults build relationships with students in your church. You can do this by allowing them to do everything from leading small groups to helping out with transportation. The most important thing is do it. Now if you really want to do something great get the parents involved. This will make a bigger change in your students' lives than you ever could have imagined.
Next, you need the support of your church. Too many student pastors isolate themselves from the rest of their church. This leads to feeling defeated and eventually burnout. It also can lead to factions in a church and terrible battles that have destroyed congregations and lives. You do not want this to happen to you. The best way to do this is by getting your entire church involved in what you do so they see what is going on and build a relationship with you. So many people do not even understand what goes on in student ministry and therefore assume all that happens is games and breaking stuff. Seeing that you are actually help students grow spiritually will destroy these misconceptions. Now how do you go about this? Simply put just ask. Make announcements from the stage. Ask people in the hallway. Send out an email. Do whatever you have to in order to bring adults into the fold in your ministry. I will warn you though that some adults may not be excited about this opportunity. Usually this is not because they do not want to help but more because they do not think that they have what it takes to connect with students. You will need to calm their fears and assure them that all that is needed is time and an open heart. If you want your D Now weekend to be a success this step is a necessity. Do whatever it takes to get adults involved and you will see your students' lives change and your ministry and church grow stronger. I guarantee it. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6664516