When it comes to the task of choosing disciple now curriculum many of us get tunnel vision. There is nothing else that enters our minds in those days and we accomplish nothing else. While at times there are tasks where this is necessary what is sad is when this type of practice creeps into other areas of our lives. The basic point here is that we are supposed to love God with all that we are but are we really? I like to think about loving God with our minds, bodies and souls. Many of us might do two or three of these and ignore the others. Most us would say we are good about learning and growing spiritually but we do not take care of ourselves physically. Others of us get too wrapped up in the physical. We are called to have the total package. Take some time to evaluate yourself and make sure you are doing just that.
When preparing others to teach the disciple now curriculum you have chosen or really doing anything in ministry, we usually like to challenge others. We like to push them, cast our vision, and make sure they are doing what is necessary to reach the goal that we have set. But are you taking those challenges yourself? Are you doing what you are asking them to or are you just merely spouting off words and then sitting back and doing nothing? You need to make sure that if you are going to challenge someone to do something then you must be willing to do it yourself. If you challenge a leader to study you must study the same thing also. If you challenge someone to study read a passage of scripture you must do it also. This is real and effective leadership and is something we all must do if our ministries are going to grow and be successful.
With any event there are costs. This is also true with disciple now as you have to order disciple now curriculum, pay leaders, and sometimes pay for snacks and meals. Because of the desire to be a good steward of what you have been given you want to always ask yourself if it is all worth it. I can tell you with this event and all that goes with it the investment is fully worth it. Students will experience life change, growth, and will experience the Christian life in ways you never dreamed were possible. Your adults will become more involved and find great connection with your students and your ministry. There is just something unique about it and the way it is set up. So ask you ask whether or not the investment is worth it I hope you will answer with a resounding yes. It will be one of the better choices you make in ministry.