When planning your Disciple Now you have to think well beyond just your event to what exactly will happen after your event. How do you go from simply having a successful event to this being the catalyst for your ministry? In this video we discuss this and help you consider how you can take all your planning and preparing and help your event have its maximum impact in the grand scheme of things.
_ New Disciple Now Devotional Added
Lesson 1: One Heart (The Great Commandment) Lesson 2: One Passion (The Least of These) Lesson 3: One Focus (The Great Commission) Lesson 4: One Church (The Big Picture) This Study Now Includes A 30 Day Devotional That Follows The 4 Lessons. Why not allow your students to take what they have learned at your event home with them. This devotional is a great way to get the Word of God into your students hands for 30 days. One of the ways we are using these devotionals is when a student becomes a Christian we are able to give them 30 days of devos to help the start growing in their faith. Once you buy this study it is yours and you can use it in you ministry however you need too. Check out all of our studies at ---------> http://www.disciplenowcurriculum.com P.S. We have a new study coming out at the end of this week in fact this is the study we are using this year for our DNow. It is called "Called To Greatness" P.S.S We are about to relaunch our Youth Ministry Toolbox website! We are adding a ton of new stuff and of course if you want to jump on the price for $9.95 a month you can do that now! Youth Ministry Resources When planning out a disciple now weekend one of the most important and sometimes stressful decisions you have to make is what Disciple Now curriculum to use. There are certainly a lot of choices out there, and of course you want to choose something that will allow students to get the full impact out of the weekend possible. Here are a few things that may help guide you in your process of choosing a Disciple Now Curriculum. 1. Keep your students in mind: Often times when choosing Disciple Now Curriculum we look for the hottest trend or what we enjoy. But remember, this is not for us it is for our students. So look for something that covers things that are relevant to your students, and things that are pressing to them. 2. Think about your whole group: Many times when planning things for your student ministries, or picking out resources for our student ministry, we think about one niche of students. When picking out Disciple Now Curriculum we need to be careful to ensure we pick out something that can reach the broad scope of students who may be in our ministry. Next you need to sell your event to your leaders. You need to cast a vision
for what your expectations are for them and for what your goals are for the event. It cannot be guaranteed everything will happen as you hoped but you increase your chances of this happening if you take the time to sell your leaders on what you hope to see happen throughout the weekend. Finally you need to sell the event to your church. D Now is a big undertaking and you need a lot of help to pull it off. Therefore you need to get your whole church involved. There is an added benefit here though. Most student ministries are isolated from the rest of the church. While this is usually acceptable for everyone it poses a problem. Your students are isolated from people who can be great role models for them. This event gives you a chance to break that trend and build a bridge between the adults in your church and the students in your ministry. Being a salesman may be unnatural for many of us, and that actually may be a good thing. But there are times where playing this role is necessary and this event is one of those times. If you want your weekend to be all you hoped it would be and all that God intends for it to be than get out there and sell the weekend to everyone who needs to have it sold to. Those few moments of our time will reap incredible benefits in the long run. |